Marco saw a Brand new World

The water than runs through the canals in Venice was dark brown and murky.

 The buildings were beautiful and like artwork.

 Churches and chapels surrounded St. Mark’s Square.  

Even the bridges in Venice were pretty!

Marco loved Venice and thought it was the most wonderful place!

But…This new place?   It was almost too bright to look at!



WOW!  The water sparkled a clear, deep blue — so blue that Marco could not tell where the water stopped and the sky began.  


Bright white cliffs jutted right into the sea.  


Alabaster buildings with red roofs wreathed beaches with happy humans swimming, laughing, and jumping into the beautiful, turquoise water.  




jutted – to extend out, up or forward.  


wreathed – wrapped around like a circle


alabaster – like alabaster in whiteness and smoothness (literary meaning)


turquoise – greenish blue color, based on the gem of the same name


The Author Welcomes You To Split, Croatia!

These are a few photos from our trip to Split.