Kathryn Dickerson, Author

Kathryn Dickerson is a writer who lives in the United States with her husband and her greyhound, Ackley.  She still volunteers as a high school theater director but taught many years of English and Literature  as well as World Geography.  She loves to travel when she gets the opportunity and meeting new people.  MARCO POLLO is her first children’s book. The majority of her work has been essays, poetry, flash fiction and non-fiction.  She is currently working on Book Two and Book Three in the MARCO POLLO series as well as a larger project in the fiction genre.  You can find her at https://kathryndickerson.com






Okan Bülbül is a freelance illustrator and he lives in Turkey with his wife and daughter. Okan has an engineering degree and worked as an engineer for many years; however, his love for art made him leave that field. Now he is happily realizing his childhood dream and drawing pictures for a living. He can illustrate for all age groups, but he loves illustrating children’s books the most.


email: okanbul@gmail.com


Marco Pollo, World Traveling Chicken: The Adventure Begins is published by 

Belle Isle Books (an imprint of brandylane publishers, inc.)

5 s. 1st street

Richmond, va. 23219


belleislebooks.com | brandylanepublishers.com

copyright © 2024 by Kathryn Dickerson