Uncle Zio paused.

Aunt Emilia and he had decided not to share with Marco his parents’ story until absolutely necessary. 


Well, Uncle Zio decided, the boy is on a boat.

 It was absolutely necessary to share the story now. 


“Your father was about to go on another adventure.  He had returned to Venice to gather more gold and jewelry to bring as gifts and to trade.  As you know, Venice is famous for its beautiful jewelry and goldsmithing.” 


Marco had no idea what goldsmithing was but he let his uncle continue to talk, eager for more information.


“Niccolo had discovered that he could trade Venetian gold and jewels for all these silks and spices he brought back with him.  


As he was packing, he decided he needed just a bit more for his trip.  


As he entered the marketplace, he went into a new shop that had just opened.


 There was a beautiful young chick at the counter with her back to him polishing earrings and bracelets.”



excuse me, but i was wondering…

Niccolo Pollo

as she turned around, niccolo’s heart skipped a beat.



“That day, he stopped packing and did not leave for adventure again.


 They were married immediately and set up home right in the corner of our chicken yard.  


Life was very sweet for them.  They were so happy just to be together.  A few months later, you came to be.”


Marco’s eyes grew wide and Uncle Zio paused to smile at him.  Then he continued. 


“But your mother became very sick.  She developed a fever.  The fever made her very weak.  She couldn’t even lift her head.  Niccolo never left her side.  She died while he was holding her.  It happened so fast.”


Uncle Zio looked at Marco to check on him.  The chick sat sadly and quietly, staring at the ship’s deck.  


Uncle Zio wrapped his wing around him and pulled him to his side.  


“Your father left later that night.  He couldn’t bear being there without your mother.  


Aunt Emilia and I promised to keep you warm so that you would hatch into a strong, lively chick and then take care of you until he returned.”


Marco said nothing.  Uncle Zio just held him tight.

The silence was shattered by the loud bellowing of the ship’s horn.


They were docking!



goldsmithing – the traditional art of making jewelry, objects, and accessories by hand from precious metals or alloys, such  as gold and silver

Go back to page 26 to finish the story!


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